Sani-Therm e.U.
Für dieses Unternehmen sind keine Leistungen verfügbar.
Betrieben wird die Installation von Gas-, Wasser- und Heizungsanlagen.
Bewertungen (16)
sehr sehr schlimm mir fehlen einfach die worte
This is a scam
They advertise really low prices and after they've lured customers they start charging more. My brother in law is a plumber and did the inspection beforehand, so I knew there was nothing wrong with it. He was also the one making the appointment since, as you might have realized by now, my German is not the best. They agreed on a price of 69€, but when the company showed up they were suddenly charging 366€ to replace a bunch of parts. I asked my brother in law to give them a call and suddenly the price was back at 69€. I strongly suspect that their positive google reviews are fake or written by the friends and family of these charlatans. At the time I wrote this, most users providing positive reviews and ratings had no other activity and most ratings were posted at around the same time. To make it even more obvious, they don't have any 4 nor 3 stars ratings.
Schlimm, schlimm, schlimm! So etwas habe ich bisher noch nicht erlebt! Niemals, ich wiederhole NIEMALS diese Firma rufen!!!!!! Termintreue gleich 0: 4 Stunden Verspätung!!!! Dann will man plötzlich das 6fache an Geld als ausgemacht war! Und am Ende, nach ewigen Streitereien gehen sie ohne irgendwas zu machen und man muss trotzdem die Pauschale zahlen weil er ja 5 Minuten vor der Therme gestanden ist. Wow. Wirklich unglaublich!!!
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Weitere Kontaktmöglichkeiten
- Gründungsjahr
- 2011
- Firmenbuchnummer
- FN 360438 g
- Bonitätsauskunft
- KSV1870