Vienna Walks and Talks Timmermann & Co OG

Werdertorgasse 9/2 1010 Wien Wien 1 (Innere Stadt) Wien


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    Bild 1 von Vienna Walks and Talks Timmermann & Co OG
    Bild 2 von Vienna Walks and Talks Timmermann & Co OG
    Bild 3 von Vienna Walks and Talks Timmermann & Co OG


    Wir sind vier staatlich geprüfte Fremdenführer/innen, die sich zu einer Arbeits- und Bürogemeinschaft zusammengeschlossen haben. Mit unseren Führungen wollen wir Ihnen auf unkonventionelle Art und Weise helfen, Wien zu entdecken - egal, ob Sie allein, zu zweit oder als Gruppe nach Wien kommen.

    Bewertungen (3)


    furchtbar schlecht!

    Wir hatten die Tour "Wien 1945 - Vom Hakenkreuz zum Russenstern" am 11.8. besucht und waren sehr unzufrieden. Zu unserer Überraschung wurde die Tour zweisprachig (Englisch und Deutsch) vorgetragen, davon war aber keine Rede bei der Bestellung im Internet! Der Votrtag war durch das andauernde Deutsch/Englisch übersetzen aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen und man konnte dem Inhalt dadurch kaum noch folgen. Weiters war die Vortragende nicht mit der Reihenfolge in ihrer Bildermappe vertraut, was zu unnötigen Bildersuchen und somit langweiligen Pausen führte. Inhaltlich wurden auch inkorrekte Statements abgegeben, wie z.B. Mongolen wären Russen (zur Klarstellung: Die Mongolei hat auf Seite der Sowjets gegen die Nazis gekämpft, aber die Mongolei ist/war ein unabhängiger Stadt und kein Teil der Sowjetunion oder Russlands).


    ich glaube Herr Rath, jetzt reicht es langsam. Sie haben 1 von unseren 60 Themenführungen mitgemacht. Nun weiß das ganze WWW wie schlecht Ihnen die Tour gefallen hat. OK. Pech. Hatte halt einen schlechten Tag. Lag vielleicht auch am Clientel. ps.: Ich sprach von der Russischen Armee, und ein Teil davon waren arme Soldaten aus der Mongolei. Punkt. mfg Barbara Timmermann


    Wasted time and money

    We did the tour "Vienna in 1945": The presentation was horrible and very unprofessional for this type of business. (1) It was both in English AND German at the same time, i.e., the guide was translating every sentence into English right away after saying it in German, which was really annoying (considering that the whole thing lasted about 2 hours). We had booked the tour in German and there was no information whatsoever that it would come in two languages. Basically, half of it was our wasted time, which hurts if you only visit Vienna for a couple of days. (2) The guide needed a lot of time to find the right picture in her folder, so considering that she had a whole lot of pictures to show, it was just boring. (3) I got an impression that the guide simply lacked factual knowledge. The information you get is so general that you hardly learn anything new, and some things you hear (e.g., concerning the geography at the time of WWII) are downright wrong, to say nothing about the lacking political correctness. I will never book any tours with this company again!


    Dear Mr Franzl, Lieber Herr Rath, That is absolutely brilliant ! Leaving a comment under a pseudonym - thats special ;-) Never than less, please let me answer your comment: 1) All our tours are offered german AND english. At the beginning of the tour your are beeing made aware of it. Still time to stop me talking and requesting your money back. Even if I had done the tour german ONLY or english ONLY - it had taken 2 hours. 2) As you are aware I had a full file with pictures to offer to my clients. So depending which nationality show up and which questions are beeing asked, I try to present picutures with my talks. No tour (and I have successfully been working as a licensed, professional tourguide) is the same ! So please excuse, if I had to flip through the pictures twice to find the right one to answer the specific question of my (other) clients. 3) Now, here we are getting to talk tachles: What were you excpecting ?? The diary of A.H ? The discovery of the lost Amber Room ? The opening of an entrance into a secret hide out of Resistance Movement ? What did you expect ? My clients come from so many different backgrounds and countries, I need to find a middle ... But if you are that knowledgable - why not book a private tour with us, so we can specifically focus on you and your level of wisdom. And so I can learn myself: which historic facts were wrong ? Which geographical picture or mentioning were incorrect ? Please let me participate in your knowledge: where did I have political lack of knowledge ? I am eager to learn. Honestly. Right at the beginning of my tour I insisted on letting me know if any of my guests learned or experienced historic facts from different points of view. This subject is very delicate ... 100 People - 500 opinions ! I am open to discussion ... pS: why are we talking english, when you booked the tour in german ? kind regards Barbara Timmermann VIENNA WALKS & TALKS


    Sicher die besten Touren in Wien! Flexibel, freundlich, gscheit und lustig. Sehr zu empfehlen, vor allem die Dritte Mann Tour inklusive Zitherspieler am Eck! Super Team!

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    Datenstand: 09.01.2025


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